Is atheism a peaceful religion ?

“Are you a Christian or Muslim or Hindu or Jew or Buddhist ?” – “None, I am an atheist.” Strangely enough, an atheist identifies himself analogous to being a Christian, a Muslim, or a Hindu !.

One defines something as a religion if it takes a definitive position on the divine and/or the after life and atheism does have one such position – that there is no divine and after life !. Atheism therefore is the position that affirms the non-existence of God and proposes “positive disbelief” rather than a mere suspension of belief. Atheists may not have one single holy book about God, but it does seem to have books about preaching to replace God. And similar to how the faithful try to propagate their religion, atheists too proselytise and in the process congregate, and often stalk and mob their opponents with polemics in the hope of converting the religiously faithful into disbelievers. Hence, the positive disbelief, propagation of that disbelief, and its intolerance to belief systems that differ from it,  appear to me like many – for all functional purposes – a religion.

Dawkins (a man I respect myself on several counts) is but I am sorry to say an unashamed proselytiser. He says in the preface of his book, The God Delusion, that he intends his book for religious readers and his aim is that they will be atheists by the time they finish reading it !. Yet it is not a book of persuasion, but of provocation. Sam Harris a member of the Four Horsemen of New Atheism, in one of his book passage reaches some disturbing conclusions that “some propositions (religious) are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them”. This sounds like exactly the kind of argument put forward by those who ran the inquisition !. We seem to be familiar with religious intolerance, now we have to recognize irreligious intolerance not only among vocalists of atheism but also in atheistic literature world wide.

Interestingly, most atheists tend to argue that religion has no place in a rational, civilized society and that atheism is the proper philosophical standard for human reason. They claim that their philosophy is based purely on secular reason, logic, historically documented facts and the verifiable science. I dare say, that it is a rather disturbingly pompous self-righteous stand to take, much akin to the religious fanatic who claims to hold the key to life and after. To be honest, I have no inherent problem with atheists nor do I have any problem with Christians, Muslims, Jews or Hindus nor the scientologists who seem to have bizzare theories involving aliens. I prefer – you believe what appeals to you , I believe what appeals to me and as long as we are not set to demean the other or slit one another´s throat, there should be no reason why multiple belief systems cannot co-exist.

It is true that religions have often fallen well short of their ideal vision and relied heavily on propaganda, but we must recognize that so have atheism. For instace, most atheists are quite rabid when it comes to attacking religion and claim that religion is the singular most reason of all wars among mankind. However that claim is the most illogical and inaccurate claim there is. The Encyclopedia of Wars authored by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents the history of recorded warfare. From their list of 1763 wars that have been waged over the course of known human history only 123 have been classified to involve a religious cause, accounting for about 6.9 % of all wars and less than 2 %  of all people killed in war. Examples are in plenty. 35 million soldiers and civilians have died in WW I alone as opposed to 1-3 million in the crusades and inquistions put together. Worse, the atheistic communist governments of Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong have alone killed 42.6 and 37.8 million people through various means – shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed or worked to death, buried alive, drowned, hung; you name a methodology and it is there. And if one adds people such as Lenin, Tojo and Polpot that number soars even higher. History simply does not support the argument that religion is the major cause of conflict. Wars have always arisen, from territorial disputes, military rivalries, conflicts of ethnicity, and strivings for commercial and economic advantage and religion as a source of war is only a small fraction of it, less than 7 % to be accurate.

I have genuine regard and respect for the agnostics as they are not at war with anyone, whereas atheists are prone to aggressively marauding just about everyone as religious fanatics are. Hence, neither religion nor atheism per se will rid this world of propaganda, intolerance or war, if anything will, then it is “how” we chose to teach religion or atheism.

6 thoughts on “Is atheism a peaceful religion ?

  1. Saying atheism is a religion because people say “Are you a Christian?” and atheists say they’re atheists is like saying vegetarians are meat eaters because if someone asks if they eat chicken or steak they reply, “Lettuce.” Rather than identifying with religion by answering that way atheists are expressing that they identify with no religion.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Atheism is the position that affirms the non-existence of God and proposes “positive disbelief” rather than mere suspension of belief. It creates a false dichotomy between science (which it claims must be naturalistic and secular) and religion. The particular example of chicken and steak is an incorrect analogy simply because it is a question with a binary alternative to pick for an answer while belief systems are more than 2. The positive disbelief, propagation of that disbelief, its intolerance to belief systems that differ from it, all makes it for all practical purposes – a decentralized religion in the least 😉


  2. Hello there!

    As an atheist who writes on the Internet, I’d like to offer a few thoughts on this post. First, atheists on the Internet do not form the vast majority of atheists everywhere. You’ll see a lot more vocal atheists (and vocal members of any subgroup) online. Many more atheists live lives offline, avoiding religious discussions across the world because of persecution and perhaps even under threats of death.

    More specifically, atheism is not a religion in any meaningful sense of the word “religion.” It’s more like agnosticism, in that it is an answer to a broader question rather than a specific question. For example, Christianity posits there’s a specific deity that exists, it has a specific nature, and this nature is revealed through text contained in the Bible. Islam makes specific claims about the nature of a deity it alleges to exist. Atheism only relates to the existence question. Indeed, simple statements regarding belief in deities cannot by themselves create a religion. Otherwise, any scientific data which contradicts a religious tenet becomes a religious doctrine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pew Research Center’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study found that 3.1% of American adults say they are atheists when asked about their religious identity – mind you religious identity !!!!. As ludicrous as it may sound although the literal definition of “atheist” is “a person who believes that God does not exist,” according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, 8% of those who call themselves atheists also say they believe in God or a universal spirit. Indeed, 2% say they are “absolutely certain” about the existence of God or a universal spirit !!!!. Atheists are in any way not similar to agnostics in my observation, infact I have heard quite many agressive polemics from atheists against the agnostics.

      Dawkins (a man I respect myself on several counts) is but I am sorry to say an unashamed proselytiser. He says in the preface of his book that he intends his book for religious readers and his aim is that they will be atheists by the time they finish reading it !!!. Yet The God Delusion is not a book of persuasion, but of provocation. Sam Harris a member of the Four Horsemen of New Atheism, in one of his book passage reaches some disturbing conclusions that “some propositions (religious) are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them”. This sounds like exactly the kind of argument put forward by those who ran the Inquisition. We seem to be familiar with religious intolerance, now we have to recognise irreligious intolerance not only among virtual vocalists of atheism but also in atheistic literature world wide. A position on God (even it be on his non-existence), hypocrasy, aggressive vocabulary in literature, and proselytization, to me , for all practical purpose these are attributes of a religion.


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